

(1)   Being at the best stage of development
"Our manhood's prime vigor"- Robert Browning
(2)   Of or relating to or being an integer that cannot be factored into other integers
"Prime number"


(3)   A number that has no factor but itself and 1
(4)   The time of maturity when power and vigor are greatest
(5)   The second canonical hour; about 6 a.m.
(6)   The period of greatest prosperity or productivity


(7)   Insert a primer into (a gun, mine, or charge) preparatory to detonation or firing
"Prime a cannon"
"Prime a mine"
(8)   Fill with priming liquid
"Prime a car engine"
(9)   Cover with a primer; apply a primer to

Etymology 1

From Old , from , from , from .


  1. First in time, order, or sequence
    Both the English and French governments established prime meridians in their capitals.
  2. First in excellence, quality, or value.
    This is a prime location for a bookstore.
  3. Having no integral factors except itself and unity (1 in the case of integers).
    Thirteen is a prime number.
  4. First in importance, degree, or rank.
    Our prime concern here is to keep the community safe.
  5. Having its complement closed under multiplication: said only of ideals.

greatest, most important, main, primary, principal, top excellent, top quality earliest, first, original


  1. the earliest stage
  2. the most active, thriving, or successful stage or period
  3. the chief or best individual or part
  4. The first note or tone of a musical scale.
  5. The first defensive position, with the sword hand held at head height, and the tip of the sword at head height.
  6. A prime element of a mathematical structure, particularly a prime number.
    3 is a prime.
  7. A four-card hand containing one card of each suit in the game of Primero.
    The opposite of a “flush” in Poker.
  8. Six consecutive blocks, which prevent the opponent's pieces from passing in backgammon.
    I'm threatening to build a prime here.

bloom, blossom, efflorescence, flower, flush, heyday, peak choice, prize, quality, select prime number (when an integer)


  1. To prepare a mechanism for its main work.
    You'll have to press this button twice to prime the fuel pump.
  2. To apply a coat of primer paint to.
    I need to prime these handrails before we can apply the finish coat.

See also


  1. bounty (reward)
