Precious (The Jam song)
(1) Obviously contrived to charm
"An insufferably precious performance"
"A child with intolerably cute mannerisms"
(2) Characterized by feeling or showing fond affection for
"A cherished friend"
"Children are precious"
"A treasured heirloom"
"So good to feel wanted"
(3) Of high worth or cost
"Diamonds, sapphires, rubies, and emeralds are precious stones"
(4) Extremely
"There is precious little time left"
< < < < ; see price.
- of high value or worth, or seemingly regarded as such
- The crown had many precious gemstones
- This building work needs site access, and tell the city council that I don't care about a few lorry tyre ruts across their precious grass verge.
- regarded with love or tenderness.
- My precious daughter is to marry
- treated with too much reverence.
- He spent hours painting the eyes of the portrait, which his fellow artists regarded as a bit precious.