Pope Julius


Unknown. Presumably named after Pope Julius II, the Warrior Pope.

Proper noun

  1. A sixteenth-century gambling card game about which little is known.
    • John Skelton, Speke, parrot,
      Of Pope Julius cardys he ys chefe cardynall.
    • 1532 November 30, Privy Purse Expences of King Henry VIII, 30 Novembre 1532,
      Itm the laste day delived unto the kings grace whiche his grace lost at pope July game wt my lady marquess and m Weston xvj cor
    • Sir John Harington, A Treatise on Playe, in Nugae antiquae (1804),
      Pope Julio (if I fail not in the name, and sure I am that there is a game of the cards after his name) was a great and wary player, a great vertue in a man of his profession