Polar (community), Wisconsin
(1) Having a pair of equal and opposite charges
(2) Being of crucial importance
"A pivotal event"
"Its pivotal location has also exposed it to periodic invasions"- Henry Kissinger
"The polar events of this study"
"A polar principal"
(3) Extremely cold
"An arctic climate"
"A frigid day"
"Gelid waters of the North Atlantic"
"Glacial winds"
"Icy hands"
"Polar weather"
(4) Characterized by opposite extremes; completely opposed
"In diametric contradiction to his claims"
"Diametrical (or opposite) points of view"
"Opposite meanings"
"Extreme and indefensible polar positions"
(5) Of or existing at or near a geographical pole or within the Arctic or Antarctic Circles
"Polar regions"
(6) Located at or near or coming from the earth's poles
"Polar diameter"
"Polar zone"
"A polar air mass"
"Antarctica is the only polar continent"