Photon belt
- A huge, toroidal object composed of photons.
- 1993 — "According to many ancient Mayan esoteric beliefs, Alcyone is the central star of the Pleiadian star system, and our sun is the outermost star of this system. The Mayan Great Cycle is a calendar that delineates the [26,000]-year-long orbit of our sun and solar system around Alycone. According to the latest discoveries in astronomy, our sun is moving into a "photon belt," or belt of light particles. As we move deeper and deeper into this photon belt, it would seem that we are moving into the Age of Light described in many ancient prophecies as well as by the Mayans. My latest theory about the photon belt, which combines science, astrology, esoteric sources, and secret information given to me by indigenous people, is that we cyclically travel through this belt of light for [2000] years and then travel outside of it for about [11,000] years." -Foreword, p. XV
- — When Lightning Strikes a Hummingbird: The Awakening of a Healer, by Foster Perry (introduced by Barbara Hand Clow), p. 78 (also mentioned numerous times in the Foreword), ISBN 187918110X
- 1994 — "This photon belt — a huge mass of light — will be the vehicle for your restoration to full consciousness and for the complete transformation of your DNA and chakra systems." — You are Becoming a Galactic Human, by Virginia Essene and Sheldon Nidel, ISBN 0937147087
- 2000 — "The Medicine Field of the Pleiades. "Photon Belt." Just by chance a few years ago, I received, through the mail, an article describing this same cosmic phenomenon." — Ohky Simine Forest, Dreaming the Council Ways: True Native Teachings from the Red Lodge
- 2000 — "Having made this correlation, I am positive that the ancient Mayas truly knew about the Photon Belt. The fact that the solar system takes 24,000 years to revolve around the Pleiades, however, still has to be studied." — Ohky Simine Forest, Dreaming the Council Ways: True Native Teachings from the Red Lodge
- 2001 — "What happens as we approach the end of each cycle of 26,000 years is that our solar system enters a very high frequency area known as a Photon Belt. We first began to penetrate the Photon Belt in 1972, though we were only touching the edges." — Ron Baker, Revelations for a Healing World, Book One
- 2002-2004 — "The Photon Belt For the most part, the Milky Way Galaxy is home to sentient, fully conscious beings with the exception of pockets of asleep, or partially-conscious beings, scattered here and there." — Duane Henkle and Diana Stone, The Lightbody Activation Manual
- 2002-2004 — "Our solar system enters the Photon Belt every 10,500 years or so and remains "in the beam" for 2,000 years. Earth last passed though the Photon Belt during the time of Atlantis." — Duane Henkle and Diana Stone, The Lightbody Activation Manual
- 2002-2004 — "According to Sheldon Nidle's book, Your First Contact, which I read years later, Earth entered the Photon Belt on this very day, January 1, 1997." — Duane Henkle and Diana Stone, The Lightbody Activation Manual