(1) The appearance of things relative to one another as determined by their distance from the viewer
(2) A way of regarding situations or topics etc.
"Consider what follows from the positivist view"
Recorded since 1381 , from Old - or perspectiva ars "science of optics", the feminine of perspectivus "of sight, optical", from perspectus, the past participle of perspicere "to inspect, look through", itself from from per- "through" + specere "to look at"; the noun sense was influenaced or mediated by prospettiva, from prospetto 'prspect', itself from the above Latin prosecere
- A view, vista or outlook.
- The appearance of depth in objects, especially as perceived using binocular vision.
- The technique of representing three-dimensional objects on a two-dimensional surface.
- The choice of a single angle or point of view from which to sense, categorize, measure or codify experience.
- The ability to consider things in such relative perspective
- A perspective optical glass, as used in a telescope
- By analogy, sound recording technique to adjust and integrate sound sources seemingly naturally
Related terms
- perspicacious
- perspicacity
- perspicuity
- perspicuous
- perspicuously
- providing visual aid
- of, in or relating to perspective