(1) A midwestern state in north central United States in the Great Lakes region
Alternative spellings
Particularly in the context of internet conversations, "oh" is sometimes written with additional Os or Hs - for example, oooh or ohhh.
- Expression of surprise.
- Oh! I didn't see you there.
- Expression of wonder, amazement, or awe.
- Oh, wow! That's amazing.
- Expression of understanding, recognition, or realization.
- Oh, so that's how it works.
- A word to precede an offhand or annoyed remark.
- Oh, leave me alone.
- A word to precede an added or comment or afterthought.
- Oh, and don't forget your coat.
- An invocation or address (similar to the vocative in languages with noun declension).
- Oh, gosh
- Exclamation for drama or emphasis (often poetic).
- Oh, when will it end?
- Expression of pain. See ouch.
- Oh! That hurt.
- Space filler or extra syllable, especially in (popular) music.
- oh, oh, oh
- Used with a term of endearment.
- Oh baby