Offensive (military)
(1) Of an offensive substitute for inoffensive terminology
"`nigger' is a dysphemistic term for `African-American'"
(2) Unpleasant or disgusting especially to the senses
"Offensive odors"
(3) Morally offensive
"An unsavory reputation"
"An unsavory scandal"
(4) Causing anger or annoyance
"Offensive remarks"
(5) For the purpose of attack rather than defense
"Offensive weapons"
(6) Violating or tending to violate or offend against
"Violative of the principles of liberty"
"Considered such depravity offensive against all laws of humanity"
(7) Causing or able to cause nausea
"A nauseating smell"
"Nauseous offal"
"A sickening stench"
(8) The action of attacking an enemy
< < as if } < , pp. ; see offend.
- Causing offense; arousing a visceral reaction of disgust, anger, or hatred
- Some feminists find pornography offensive.
- Having to do with play directed at scoring.
- The offensive coordinator is responsible for ordering all rushing plays.
- An attack.
- The Marines today launched a major offensive.
- The posture of attacking or being able to attack.
- He took the offensive in the press, accusing his opponent of corruption.