Odd (name)
(1) Not easily explained
"It is odd that his name is never mentioned"
(2) Not divisible by two
(3) An indefinite quantity more than that specified
"Invited 30-odd guests"
(4) Not used up
"Leftover meatloaf"
"She had a little money left over so she went to a movie"
"Some odd dollars left"
"Saved the remaining sandwiches for supper"
"Unexpended provisions"
(5) Beyond or deviating from the usual or expected
"A curious hybrid accent"
"Her speech has a funny twang"
"They have some funny ideas about war"
"Had an odd name"
"The peculiar aromatic odor of cloves"
"Something definitely queer about this town"
"What a rum fellow"
"Singular behavior"
(6) Of the remaining member of a pair, of socks e.g.
Oddr, short form of compound names with the element oddr "sharp point", "spear", with a similar meaning in modern Norwegian.
Related terms
- male given names: Oddbjørn, Oddmund, Oddvar
- female given names: Oddbjørg, Oddlaug, Oddny, Oddrun, Oddveig