Nazi (god)
(1) Relating to a form of socialism
"The national socialist party came to power in Germany in 1933"
(2) Relating to or consistent with or typical of the ideology and practice of Nazism or the Nazis
"The total Nazi crime"
"The Nazi interpretation of history"
(3) A German member of Adolf Hitler's political party
(4) An offensive term for a person who is fanatically dedicated to, or seeks to control, some activity, practice, etc.
From , a shortening of .
- Of or pertaining to the Nazi Party (NSDAP) specifically, or to Nazism more generally.
- Racist or anti-Semitic.
- Consisting of Nazis.
- A member of the Nazi Party (NSDAP).
- One who subscribes to or advocates Nazism or a similarly fascist, racist, or anti-Semitic ideology.
- One who imposes one’s views on others.
- She’s a total grammar Nazi.
Usage notes
As the actual Nazis practiced genocide and murdered millions of people in cold blood, this flippant use is sometimes considered to be offensive and in very poor taste. It is sometimes used to offend out of anger or intentionally.See also
- Aryan
- fascist
- holocaust
- National Socialist
- white supremacist