Naughty (Chaka Khan album)


(1)   Badly behaved
"He was saucy and mischievous in school"
"A naughty boy"
(2)   Suggestive of sexual impropriety
"A blue movie"
"Blue jokes"
"He skips asterisks and gives you the gamy details"
"A juicy scandal"
"A naughty wink"
"Naughty words"
"Racy anecdotes"
"A risque story"
"Spicy gossip"


Recorded since 1377 as naugti "needy, having nothing", either from nawiht (see naught) or from the same via naught 'zero, cipher'. Sense of "wicked, evil, morally wrong" is attested from 1529. The more tame main modern sense of "disobedient" (especially of children) is attested from 1633. A woman of bad character c.1530-1750 might be called a naughty pack.


  1. bad; tending to misbehave or act badly.
    That naughty dog dug up our petunias.
  2. risque: flirting with impropriety and/or bad taste; morally dubious, especially sexually suggestive, usually in a mild way.
    If I find more naughty magazines in your room, you're going over my knee as scantily dressed as the naughtiest picture!
  3. evil, wicked, morally vicious