Moon (video game)


(1)   Any natural satellite of a planet
"Jupiter has sixteen moons"
(2)   The natural satellite of the Earth
"The average distance to the moon is 384,400 kilometers"
"Men first stepped on the moon in 1969"
(3)   Any object resembling a moon
"He made a moon lamp that he used as a night light"
"The clock had a moon that showed various phases"
(4)   United States religious leader (born in Korea) who founded the Unification Church in 1954; was found guilty of conspiracy to evade taxes (born in 1920)
(5)   The light of the moon
"Moonlight is the smuggler's enemy"
"The moon was bright enough to read by"
(6)   The period between successive new moons (29.531 days)


(7)   Expose one's buttocks to
"Moon the audience"
(8)   Be idle in a listless or dreamy way
(9)   Have dreamlike musings or fantasies while awake
"She looked out the window, daydreaming"


From from from from

Proper noun

  1. The Earth's moon; the sole natural satellite of the Earth, represented in astronomy and astrology by ☾.
  2. The god of the Moon in Heathenry.


  • (pagan god) "Moon, the companion of Night, waxes and wanes, and we call this time a month." Anglo-Saxon Mythology, Migration & Magic, Tony Linsell, Anglo-Saxon Books, 1994, ISBN 1-898281 - 09 -2, page 15.
  • (pagan god) "Moon's Day." An Anglo-Saxon Almanac, Falcon Stow (privately published), page 13.
  • (pagan god) "Sun come, Moon come, Seed time, dry time, fog and rain, Sowing, growing, reaping, resting, Sun come, Moon come, etc." Taking up the Runes, Diana Paxson, Weiser Books, 2005, ISBN 1-57863-325-7, page 328.