Coined by Sylvia Wright in Harper’s Magazine (The Death of Lady Mondegreen, Nov 1954) from a mishearing of the stanza in the Scottish ballad The Bonny Earl of Murray
- Ye Highlands and Ye Lowlands
- Oh where hae you been?
- They hae slay the Earl of Murray,
- And laid him on the green. (Misheard as “And Lady Mondegreen”)
- A form of error arising from mishearing a spoken or sung phrase
- Examples:
- “The ants are my friends, blowin’ in the wind.” (“The answer, my friend, is...”) from Bob Dylan's “Blowin' In the Wind.”
- “There's a bathroom on the right” (“There's a bad moon on the rise”) from Creedence Clearwater Revival's “Bad Moon Rising.”
- “'Scuse me while I kiss this guy” (“'Scuse me while I kiss the sky”) from Jimi Hendrix's “Purple Haze.”
- God’s first name:
- “Andy walks with me…” (“And He walks with me…”) from the hymn “In The Garden”
- “Our Father, Who art in Heaven, Harold be Thy name…” (“…hallowed be thy name…”) from the Lord’s Prayer
- Examples:
- A misunderstanding of a written or spoken phrase as a result of multiple definitions.