

(1)   Not extreme
"A moderate penalty"
"Temperate in his response to criticism"
(2)   Being within reasonable or average limits; not excessive or extreme
"Moderate prices"
"A moderate income"
"A moderate fine"
"Moderate demands"
"A moderate estimate"
"A moderate eater"
"Moderate success"
"A kitchen of moderate size"
"The X-ray showed moderate enlargement of the heart"
(3)   Marked by avoidance of extravagance or extremes
"Moderate in his demands"
"Restrained in his response"


(4)   A person who takes a position in the political center


(5)   Make less fast or intense
"Moderate your speed"
(6)   Restrain or temper
(7)   Preside over
"John moderated the discussion"
(8)   Make less strong or intense; soften
"Tone down that aggressive letter"
"The author finally tamed some of his potentially offensive statements"
(9)   Make less severe or harsh
"He moderated his tone when the students burst out in tears"
(10)   Lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits
"Moderate your alcohol intake"
"Hold your tongue"
"Hold your temper"
"Control your anger"


From moderat, from moderātus, past principle of the deponent verb < , , a stem appearing also in < ; see mode and modest.


  1. Not excessive; acting in moderation
  2. Mediocre
  3. (US politics) Having an intermediate position between liberal and conservative.


  1. One who holds an intermediate position between the extremes relevant in a political context
    While the moderates usually propose political compromise, it's often only achieved when the extremists allow them so
  2. Similar middle-grounder in any other context.
    The moderates are the natural advocates of ecumenism against the fanatics of their churches


  1. To reduce the excessiveness of (something)
  2. To become less excessive
  3. To preside over (something) as a moderator
  4. To act as a moderator; to assist in bringing to compromise