(1) Liable to sudden unpredictable change
"Erratic behavior"
"Fickle weather"
"Mercurial twists of temperament"
"A quicksilver character, cool and willful at one moment, utterly fragile the next"
(2) Relating to or containing or caused by mercury
"Mercurial preparations"
"Mercurial sore mouth"
(3) Relating to or having characteristics (eloquence, shrewdness, swiftness, thievishness) attributed to the god Mercury
"More than Mercurial thievishness"
(4) Relating to or under the (astrological) influence of the planet Mercury
"The Mercurial canals"
- Volatile; erratic; unstable; flighty; fickle or changeable in temperament.
- Lively; clever; sprightly; animated; quick-witted.
- I have a mercurial wit.
- Having characteristics attributed to the Shakespeare character Mercutio , such as volatile, erratic, unstable, and shrewdness.
- Of, or pertaining to the element mercury; containing mercury; caused by the action of mercury or quicksilver.
- Having characteristics attributed to the Roman god Mercury, such as swiftness, eloquence, shrewdness, and thievishness.
- (often capitalized, see Mercurial) Of or pertaining to the Roman god Mercury.
- (often capitalized, see Mercurial) Of or pertaining to the planet Mercury; under the supposed astrological influence of the planet Mercury.