Mario Andretti
- An equal to Mario Andretti, or a Mario Andretti wannabe; someone who drives fast or recklessly, as if driving a racecar.
- A reckless or daring speed maneuver in a vehicle.
- 2000, Raud A Kennedy, Top of the World http://books.google.com/books?ie=UTF-8&hl=en&id=onC-mHtDzjQC&pg=PA43&lpg=PA43&sig=ddVIjWArak3z8hV832gKid_xKh4
- Nobody knows the twists and turns of the West Hills better than Biff, in fact, he fancies himself the Mario Andretti of all neighborhoods where water is wasted on green lawns and the cute chicks don’t fool around unless they’ve been slipped a mickey.
- 2003, Darcy O'Brien, The Hillside Stranglers http://books.google.com/books?ie=UTF-8&hl=en&id=jxhlRuimnZsC&pg=PA127&lpg=PA127&sig=ZRmACYE0pDuausWPQtvDTcVX34c
- [...] he drove everywhere, even when going for a loaf of bread, as though he were chasing or being chased, a Mario Andretti of the freeways, trying to breake the sound barrier in his beige unmarked Plymouth or, off-duty, in his baby-blue Coupe de Ville.
- 2003, Bernadette Bernon, “Midterm Reflections from a Semester at Sea,” in Steady As She Goes, Barbara Sjoholm ed. http://books.google.com/books?ie=UTF-8&hl=en&id=cYwYsLRf1LYC&pg=PA88&lpg=PA88&sig=HqBCPkpajThdV5iPo-RgFaYomzs
- “It’s hard to believe you ever took ballet,” Mister Tactful declared one day last fall, after pulling a Mario Andretti off an Intracoastal Waterway gas dock.
- 2004, Yvonne Navarro, The Darkening http://books.google.com/books?ie=UTF-8&hl=en&id=bpvXvRaC1kUC&pg=PA89&lpg=PA89&sig=xtB83heGm1ealKUkkTJlD4ReqmE
- But Buffy had already done a Mario Andretti around the corner with the wheelchair, and Xander was right on her heels.
- 2004, Miriam Erick, Managing Morning Sickness http://books.google.com/books?ie=UTF-8&hl=en&id=SdVW-61bJVAC&pg=PA78&lpg=PA78&sig=Pjv_y06DUvMw8HNqJiA1-VD3xz0
- Rick, thinking himself the Mario Andretti of Route 128 in Boston, hated driving his Corvette as slowly as Greta drove their station wagon.