Magic square
(1) A square matrix of n rows and columns; the first n^2 integers are arranged in the cells of the matrix in such a way that the sum of any row or column or diagonal is the same
- A palindromic square word arrangement, usually in the form of a magic amulet. Probably the best-known is the 5x5 square consisting of the words ROTAS OPERA TENET AREPO SATOR.
- An n-by-n arrangement of n2 numbers such that the numbers in each row, in each column and along both diagonals all have the same sum.
See also
- bimagic cube
- diabolic square
- heterosquare
- Lo Shu square
- magic constant
- magic cube
- magic hexagon
- magic hypercube
- magic series
- magic star
- magic tesseract
- multimagic cube
- pantriagonal magic cube
- perfect magic cube
- satanic square
- semiperfect magic cube
- simple magic cube
- sudoku
- trimagic cube