Mad (village)
(1) Roused to anger
"Stayed huffy a good while"- Mark Twain
"She gets mad when you wake her up so early"
"Mad at his friend"
"Sore over a remark"
(2) Affected with madness or insanity
"A man who had gone mad"
(3) Marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion
"A crowd of delirious baseball fans"
"Something frantic in their gaiety"
"A mad whirl of pleasure"
(4) Very foolish
"Harebrained ideas"
"Took insane risks behind the wheel"
"A completely mad scheme to build a bridge between two mountains"
- Insane; mentally deranged.
- You want to spend $1000 on a pair of shoes? Are you mad?
- He's got this mad idea that he's irresistible to women.
- Angry, annoyed.
- Are you mad at me?
- Wildly confused or excited.
- Extremely foolish or unwise; irrational; imprudent.
- (usually as mad for or mad about) Extremely enthusiastic about; crazy about; infatuated with; overcome with desire for.
- Aren't you just mad for that red dress?
- abnormally ferocious or furious; or, rabid, affected with rabies.
- A mad dog
- Intensifier, signifies an abundance or high quality of a thing; much or many.
- I gotta give you mad props for scoring us those tickets.
- Their lead guitarist has mad skills.
- There's always mad girls at those parties.
See WikiSaurus:insane See WikiSaurus:angry hella; helluv.Adverb
- Intensifier; to a large degree; extremely; exceedingly; very; unbelievably.
- He was driving mad slow.
- It's mad hot today.
- To madden, to anger.
- c. 1595, William Shakespeare - The Tragedy of King Richard the Second Act V Scene 5
- This musick mads me, let it sound no more