

Lolita + complex; ending in con rather than com due to the phonology of Japanese.


  1. The sexual attraction to young girls.
    • 1995 April 4, Joseph L. Petrow, “Marmalade Boy - Just Plain Screwed Up!!”, rec.arts.anime, Usenet
      I got many flames for denoucing Nacchan's Lolicon ways a few months back!
    • 2004 November, Patrick Macias and Tomohiro Machiyama, Cruising The Anime City: An Otaku Guide to Neo Tokyo, page 48, Stone Bridge Press
      Innocence’s story—about female sex androids that kill their owners—is possible only in a Lolicon country like Japan. The androids are modeled after little girls
    • 2005, “Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan (TV)”, Anime News
      Sakura is destined to create the technology for eternal life, which (due to Sakura's lolicon tendencies) freezes all women's aging once they turn twelve.
  2. An individual fixated on young, generally prepubescent, girls.
    • 1992 March 10, “Gian_Uberto Lauri 228495” of Italy, “Char Counterattack (SPOILER WARNING!!!!)”, rec.arts.anime , Usenet
      Lala seemed TOO YOUNG to me, and Char is said to be Loli-con in the movie, so he has some kind of problem
    • 1993, Cynthia Ma (translator), Yagami-kun’s Family Affairs (八神くんの家庭の事情), Volume 1, Chapter 1
      Students: Yuu-chan's mom...looks the same age as my sister.... So, when did you stop having a bath with her? ...Aaah, you blushed! This guy is "Lolicon"!
    • 2006 April 17, Erica Friedman, “Yume Tsukai Anime”, okazu, at
      I almost feel bad for the lolicons who do tune in looking for all the same stuff as in the manga
    • 2006 April 30, Kotera Rikan, “Lolicon Culture in Crisis”, Idolizing St.Anna, at
      And thanks to this pressure from foreign western countries (this it the only way to change this island country), this freedom of lolicons was limited little by little.
  3. Erotic art depicting prepubescent females.
    • 1989 September 23, Mark Crispin, “bringing stuff into the US from Japan”, soc.culture.japan, Usenet
      If you are into bishojo, loli-con, or bishonen materials, be advised that customs *does* frown on what might be considered pornography.
    • 1993 March 27, Rafael Brown, “Anime Potrayal of Japanese Women”, rec.arts.anime, Usenet
      the whole gamut of lolicon and girls-with-guns genres
    • 2003 August 13, “heartlilly” of Pittsburgh (USA), “Otakon squeeing...”, anahita, at
      Momi-chan can easily be mistaken for a girl and they figured this was a lolicon title
    • 2005 March, Matthew Skala, “Edmonton man arrested over manga import”, personal website, at
      ...what would most correctly be described as hard-core lolicon manga - that is, fictional graphic novels including drawings of children in sexual poses and activity.
    • 2006 June 2, Clare “sugahcat” of the UK, “Rambles and fanart”, when there's nothing left to say, at
      And then today some creep...came in asking for some hentai (and by the looks of it, lolicon also) book or other that we can't get in.