

(1)   Lacking physical movement skills, especially with the hands
"A bumbling mechanic"
"A bungling performance"
"Ham-handed governmental interference"
"Could scarcely empty a scuttle of ashes, so handless was the poor creature"- Mary H. Vorse
(2)   Ironically ambiguous
"A left-handed compliment"
(3)   Rotating to the left
(4)   (of marriages) of a marriage between one of royal or noble birth and one of lower rank; valid but with the understanding that the rank of the inferior remains unchanged and offspring do not succeed to titles or property of the superior
(5)   (of marriages) illicit or informal
"In Colonial America left-handed marriages between Frenchmen and Indians were frequent"
(6)   Using or intended for the left hand
"Left-handed golfers need left-handed clubs"
"Left-handed scissors"


  1. Of or pertaining to one who uses his or her left hand in preference to, or more skillfully than, his or her right.
  2. Intended to be worn on, or used by, the left hand.
  3. Turning or spiraling from right to left; anticlockwise.
  4. Awkward or maladroit.