Leaf Storm


  1. A sudden whirlwind or downpour of leaves.
    THE leaf-storm was ended. The sky was washed clear of every cloud and hung blue and brilliant above a little clearing in the Great Wilderness.
    Passers-by stop and watch; children run into the zone of the leaf-storm and in a few minutes are covered. For hours the beech tree weeps.
    One night, when the man had been making it sing like a leaf-storm in fall, ...
    Through the leafstorm I ran toward her. She had fallen on the path, and a shower of small branches and stones came cascading down upon her.
    Do it!, stir up your energy until it's swirling around like a leaf storm inside your body.

Usage notes

This is not commonly used in English, except as a translation of the title of a novella by Gabriel García Márquez, entitled Leaf Storm, or La Hojarasca.

Dictionary notes

  • American Heritage Dictionary (via answers.com), Collins Word Exchange, Merriam-Webster Online and MSN Encarta Dictionary all have no entry.
  • Scholars of literary translation such as Balderston & Schwartz (Voice-Overs http://books.google.com/books?id=Q_buVGut8X4C, ISBN 0791455297, page 158) have criticized the choice of this translation as "tropicalizing" the novel by using a construction which is uncommon and exotic in English.