Kim (TV film)

Proper noun

  1. , a short form of Kimball or Kimberley.
    • 1901 Rudyard Kipling, Kim, Chapter 1
      The half-caste woman who looked after him (she smoked opium, and pretended to keep a second-hand furniture shop by the square where the cheap cabs wait) told the missionaries that she was Kim’s mother’s sister; but his mother had been nursemaid in a colonel's family and had married Kimball O’Hara, a young color-sergeant of the Mavericks, an Irish regiment.
  2. used since 1940s, a short form of Kimberly/Kimberley.
    • 1991 Don DeLillo, Mao II, Viking, ISBN 0670839043, page 16
      It will take some getting used to, a husband named Kim. She has known girls named Kim since she was a squirt in a sunsuit. Quite a few really. Kimberleys and plain Kims.
  3. , the English form of a surname very common in Korea. (김, 金)

Proper noun

  1. , short form of Joakim.


Proper noun

  1. borrowed from English.


Proper noun

  1. shortened from Joakim.


Proper noun

  1. shortened from Joakim.
  2. recently borrowed from English.


Proper noun

  1. , translates into English as "gold" or "golden" often in conjunction with the secondary given name Thi, which simply means female.