Short form of , from .
- (to be).
- clitic third person singular, used in forming past tenses.
- (you)
- Wat doe je daar? — What are you doing there?
- (you)
- Ik doe dit wel voor je. — I'll do this for you.
- (you)
- Wat doe je daar? — What are you doing there?
- (you)
- Ik doe dit wel voor je. — I'll do this for you.
Related terms
- See Wiktionary:Dutch inflection
- (your)
- Neem je boek en maak die oefening. — Take your book and do that exercise.
- (your)
- Neem je boeken en maak die oefening. — Take your books and do that exercise.
Related terms
- See Wiktionary:Dutch inflection
- (yourself)
- Heb je je gewassen? — Did you wash yourself?
- (yourselves)
- Hebben jullie je goed voorbereid? — Have you all prepared yourselves well?
Related terms
- See Wiktionary:Dutch inflection
Usage notes
The preposition can replace any other preposition and remain grammatically correct, albeit more ambiguous. It is usually clear what meaning is intended based on context.
Without context, Donu ĝin je mi could mean any of the following:
- Donu ĝin je [al] mi. — “Give it to me.”
- Donu ĝin je [el] mi. — “Give it from me.”
- Donu ĝin je [kun] mi. — “Give it with me.”
Without context, La kato saltis je la tablon could mean any of the following:
- La kato saltis je [sur] la tablon. — “The cat jumped onto the table.”
- La kato saltis je [malsupre] la tablon. — “The cat jumped under the table.”
- La kato saltis je [malantaŭ] la tablon. — “The cat jumped behind the table.”