(1) An irritating cutaneous sensation that produces a desire to scratch
(2) A strong restless desire
"Why this urge to travel?"
(3) A contagious skin infection caused by the itch mite; characterized by persistent itching and skin irritation
"He has a bad case of the itch"
(4) Have a strong desire or urge to do something
"She is itching to start the project"
"He is spoiling for a fight"
(5) Scrape or rub as if to relieve itching
"Don't scratch your insect bites!"
(6) Have or perceive an itch
"I'm itching--the air is so dry!"
- A sensation felt on an area of the skin that causes a person or animal to want to scratch.
- A desire or want.
- To feel the need to scratch.
- Capulet: ... Speak not, reply not, do not answer me; / My fingers itch. Wife, we scarce thought us blest / That God had lent us but this only child; / But now I see this one is one too much, / And that we have a curse in having her: / Out on her, hilding!
- To want or desire.
- He started learning to drive and he has been itching for opportunities to practice ever since.
- To cause to feel an itch.
- To scratch or rub so as to relieve an itch.
- 2002: M D Huddleston, Missing Paige
- "What makes you suspect him?" Max asked as he itched his neck.
- 2003: Ray Emerson, The Riddle of Cthulhu
- Ulysses thumped his side and itched his back side, then slipped into his car.
- 2004: Philip Smucker, Al Qaeda's Great Escape: The Military and the Media on Terror's Trail
- But when we asked more about the famous man whose specter still commanded the heights, the guard just sneered at me, pointed his gun back toward the road with one hand, and itched his chin with the other.
- 2002: M D Huddleston, Missing Paige