

(1)   A composition of vocal music that is appropriate for opening church services


From , , from , from , from + .


  1. The action of entering or going in; an entrance.
  2. An introduction.
  3. A psalm sung or chanted immediately before the collect, epistle, and gospel, and while the priest is entering within the rails of the altar.
  4. A part of a psalm or other portion of the Scripture read by the priest at Mass immediately after ascending to the altar.
  5. An anthem or psalm sung before the Communion service.
  6. Any composition of vocal music appropriate to the opening of church services.


  • 1833: Sir Harris Nicolas, K.C.M.G.; The Chronology of History, Containing Tables, Calculations & Statements, Indispensable for ascertaining the dates of Historical Events, and of Public and Private Documents, from the Earliest periods to the present time; preface, page xvii{1}; glossary of dates, page 111, right-hand column{2} (printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green & Longman, Paternoster Row, and John Taylor, Upper Gower Street)
    {1} The Glossary of Terms used by ecclesiastics in the middle ages, who describe a day by the “ introit,” or commencement of the service appointed by the church to be performed thereon, and an explanation of the Canonical Hours, Watches, &c. will frequently be found useful.
    {2} Circumdederunt. The introit and name of Septuagesima Sunday.


  1. Third-person singular active indicative present form of introeō.