(1) A humming noise
"The hum of distant traffic"
(2) An Islamic fundamentalist group in Pakistan that fought the Soviet Union in Afghanistan in the 1980s; now operates as a terrorist organization primarily in Kashmir and seeks Kashmir's accession by Pakistan
(3) The state of being or appearing to be actively engaged in an activity
"They manifested all the busyness of a pack of beavers"
"There is a constant hum of military preparation"
(4) Sing with closed lips
"She hummed a melody"
(5) Make a low continuous sound
"The refrigerator is humming"
(6) Sound with a monotonous hum
(7) Be noisy with activity
"This office is buzzing with activity"
From hommen "make a murmuring sound to cover embarrassment," later (medieval English) hummen "to buzz, drone" (c.1420); akin to (medieval and modern) Dutch hommel 'humblebee', medieval German hummen 'to hum', probably ultimately of imitative origin
- A hummed tune, i.e. created orally with lips closed.
- An often indistinct sound resembling human humming.
- Busy activity, like a beehive's buzz
- To make a sound from the vocal chords without pronouncing any real words, with one's lips closed.
- We are humming happily along with the music.
- To express of affect by humming
- The hazers ominously hummed "We shall overcome" while they paddled the unruly pledges
- To drone like certain insects naturally do in motion, or sounding similarly
- To buzz, be busily active like a beehive
- To produce a low sounds blend continuously
- To reek, smell bad.
- To deceive, or impose on one by some story or device.