Honey (Erykah Badu song)


(1)   Of something having the color of honey


(2)   A sweet yellow liquid produced by bees
(3)   A beloved person; used as terms of endearment


(4)   Sweeten with honey


, from or . Cognate with Old Frisian hunig, Old Saxon honeg (Dutch honing), Old High German honag, honeg (German Honig), Old Norse hunang (Swedish honung).


  1. A viscous, sweet fluid produced from plant nectar by bees; a variety of this substance.
  2. A thing likened to honey for its sweetness, desirability, etc.
    1595 Shakespeare, William, Romeo and Juliet, Act 5, Scene 3, lines 91-93:
    • O my love, my wife! / Death, that hath suck'd the honey of thy breath / Hath had no power yet upon thy beauty."
  3. A term of affection.
    Honey, would you take out the trash?
  4. An attractive woman
    Man, there are some fine honeys here tonight!
  5. A spectrum of pale yellow to brownish-yellow colour, like that of most types of (the sweet substance) honey.


  1. Describing a thing involving or resembling honey.
    1599 Shakespeare, William, Henry V, Act 1, Sc. 2:
    • So work the honey-bees, / Creatures that by a rule in nature teach / The act of order to a peopled kingdom.
  2. A spectrum of pale yellow to brownish-yellow colour, like that of most types of honey.

See also

  • Appendix:Colours

  • mellifluous
  • melliphagous
