

(1)   United States musician and composer and conductor noted for his comic operas (1859-1924)

Proper noun

  1. . In modern use partly transferred back from the surname.


  • ~1593 William Shakespeare: Richard III: Act V, Scene III:
    And you, Sir Walter Herbert, stay with me.
  • 1989 David Leavitt: Equal Affections. ISBN 0-670-821977 page 215:
    Herbert, Sydney, Milton, Seymour. You know, all the time I was growing up I thought those were the most ordinary Jewish first names, until someone pointed out that they were British last names. I guess to my great-grandparents those names must have sounded so modern, so sophisticated, so - non-Eastern European. And now they're just Uncle Miltie, Uncle Sy, Uncle Herb. Do other people have Uncle Donne and Uncle Wordsworth?


Proper noun

  1. , cognate to Herbert.


Proper noun

  1. , cognate to English Herbert; a saint's name from a medieval bishop of Cologne.


Proper noun

  1. , cognate to English Herbert.