Henry (given name)


(1)   United States physicist who studied electromagnetic phenomena (1791-1878)
(2)   A leader of the American Revolution and a famous orator who spoke out against British rule of the American colonies (1736-1799)
(3)   English chemist who studied the quantities of gas absorbed by water at different temperatures and under different pressures (1775-1836)
(4)   A unit of inductance in which an induced electromotive force of one volt is produced when the current is varied at the rate of one ampere per second

Proper noun

  1. , popular in England since Middle Ages; the name of eight kings.

Related terms


: Act III, Scene I:
  • And now I fear the fatal prophecy,
    Which in the time of Henry, nam'd the Fifth,
    Was in the mouth of every mocking babe;
    That Henry born at Monmouth should win all;
    And Henry born at Windsor should lose all.
  • 1830 Mary Russell Mitford, Our Village: Fourth Series: Cottage Names:
    Henry now, what a soft swain your Henry is! the proper theme of gentle poesy; a name to fall in love withal; devoted at the font to song and sonnet, and the tender passion; a baptized inamorato; a christened hero. Call him Harry, and see how you ameliorate his condition.

Proper noun

  1. borrowed from .


Proper noun

  1. based on the given name Henry in old French.
  2. , a less common spelling of Henri.


Proper noun

  1. borrowed from .


Proper noun

  1. borrowed from .


Proper noun

  1. borrowed from .