(1) Not functioning properly
"Something is amiss"
"Has gone completely haywire"
"Something is wrong with the engine"
(2) Informal or slang terms for mentally irregular
"It used to drive my husband balmy"
(3) Wire for tying up bales of hay
- Roughly-made, unsophisticated, decrepit (from the use of haywire for temporary repairs). Possibly originated because of frayed wires sitting near hay in a hot barn, which caused an explosion (The barn ceased to exist, and it was referred to as having gone "haywire"), or from tendency of slap-dash repairs done with scraps of bailing wire to fail catastrophically at times of mechanical stress.
- Behaving erratically or uncontrollably, especially of a machine or mechanical process; usually used with the verb "go".
- It was working fine until it went haywire and wouldn't stop printing blank sheets.
- Those kids go haywire when they don't get what they want.
Related terms
- come unglued
- tearing up Jack
- lose one's cool
- blow up
- go bonkers