Hang On
(1) Be persistent, refuse to stop
"He persisted to call me every night"
"The child persisted and kept asking questions"
(2) Hold the phone line open
"Please hang on while I get your folder"
(3) Fix to; attach
"Append a charm to the necklace"
- To wait a minute (usually imperative).
- Hang on. Let me check.
- To hold, grasp, or grip.
- Hang on to the handle so you don't drop it.
- To keep; to store something for someone
- Hang on to my jacket until I get back.
- To pay close attention.
- The audience hangs on his every word.
- To continually believe in something; to have faith in.
- He's got a philosophy he hangs on to.
- To persevere.
- Just hang on and keep going; this pain won't last forever.