Hallelujah (Paramore song)
(1) A shout or song of praise to God
- An exclamation used in songs of praise or thanksgiving to God.
- A general expression of gratitude or adoration.
- Hallelujah! It’s finally the weekend!
- So sung they, and the empyrean rung With Hallelujahs. - John Milton
- But I reserve my hallelujahs for the St. Louis pork ribs (half slab, $13/ full slab, $18.95) and the baby back ribs ($15.99, half/ $22.95, full), which were just as Smoky said they should be--tenderly succulent, with meat that pulls from the bone with minimal effort, but hasn't lost its texture from overcooking. — Lorraine Gengo in Rib Religion, Fairfield County Weekly, April 7, 2005