Golden (name)
(1) Favoring or bringing good luck
"A favorable time to ask for a raise"
"Lucky stars"
"A prosperous moment to make a decision"
(2) Suggestive of gold
"A golden voice"
(3) Having the deep slightly brownish color of gold
"Long aureate (or golden) hair"
"A gold carpet"
(4) Supremely favored or fortunate
"Golden lads and girls all must / like chimney sweepers come to dust"
(5) Marked by peace and prosperity
"A golden era"
"The halcyon days of the clipper trade"
(6) Made from or covered with gold
"Gold coins"
"The gold dome of the Capitol"
"The golden calf"
"Gilded icons"
- Made of, or relating to gold.
- She wore a golden crown.
- Having a colour or other richness suggestive of gold.
- Under a golden sun.
- Marked by prosperity, creativity etc.
- The Renaissance was a golden era.
- Advantageous or very favourable.
- This is a golden opportunity
- Relating to a fiftieth anniversary.
- It's not long until our golden wedding.