(1) Relating to or characteristic of or befitting an offspring
"Filial respect"
(2) Designating the generation or the sequence of generations following the parental generation
From from from / .
- Pertaining to or befitting a son or daughter.
- 1794, Charlotte Smith, The Banished Man, Volume 2, Chapter 20,
- The filial duty Ellesmere had paid to a father, who had no other claim to it than that he was his father, was now consoling to him [D'Alonville]; [...]
- 1794, Charlotte Smith, The Banished Man, Volume 2, Chapter 20,
- Respectful of the duties and attitudes of a son or daughter toward their parents.
- 1885, Confucius, "The actions and Attitude of Filiality", translated by James Legge,
- If the admonition [to the parent] does not take effect, the son will be more reverential and more filial; [...]
- 1885, Confucius, "The actions and Attitude of Filiality", translated by James Legge,
- Of a generation or generations descending from a specific previous one.
- 1916, William E. Castle & Gregor Mendel, Genetics & Eugenics, p. 101.
- This, following Bateson, we may call the parental generation or P generation. Subsequent generations are called filial generations (abbreviated F) and their numerical order is indicated by a subscript, [...]
- 1916, William E. Castle & Gregor Mendel, Genetics & Eugenics, p. 101.
Filiale < filialis - of or pertaining to a son or daughter.