

(1)   A journey organized for a particular purpose
(2)   A journey taken for pleasure
"Many summer excursions to the shore"
"It was merely a pleasure trip"
"After cautious sashays into the field"
(3)   A military campaign designed to achieve a specific objective in a foreign country
(4)   The property of being prompt and efficient
"It was done with dispatch"
(5)   An organized group of people undertaking a journey for a particular purpose
"An expedition was sent to explore Mars"


  1. The quality of being expedite; efficient promptness; haste; dispatch; speed; quickness; as to carry the mail with expedition.
    • 1719: Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe
      one of them began to come nearer our boat than at first I expected; but I lay ready for him, for I had loaded my gun with all possible expedition...
    • 1749, Henry Fielding, Tom Jones, Folio Society 1973, p. 331:
      he presently exerted his utmost agility, and with surprizing expedition ascended the hill.
  2. A sending forth or setting forth the execution of some object of consequence; progress.
  3. An important enterprise, implying a change of place; especially, a warlike enterprise; a march or a voyage with martial intentions; an excursion by a body of persons for a valuable end; as, a military, naval, exploring, or scientific expedition.
  4. The body of persons making such excursion.