- 1853, Charles Fenno Hoffman, Timothy Flint, Lewis Gaylord Clark, Kinahan Cornwallis, and John Holmes Agnew (eds.), The Knickerbocker: Or, New-York Monthly Magazine, page 460,
- "Then the peepers begin on a high key, with a singularly sweet and lucid voice, somewhere betwixt a silver-whistle and a glass-bell, smacking little of the mid: 'Eep!-eep-eep-eep! ee ee-ee! eepee! eepee-peepee! peep-eep! eepepee! eepepee! eepepee!' accompanied by a few trills long continued..."
- 1962, Jet Screamer, The Jetsons, "Eep opp ork ah ah! And that means 'I love you'!" (but, according to Elroy Jetson in the episode "A Date with Jet Screamer", he says Judy Jetson wrote it for him, "eep opp ork ah-ah" means "meet me tonight")http://www.tvacres.com/music_songs_jetsons.htm (Note: this reference is incorrect.)
- 2000, Adam Cadre, Ready, Okay!
- Then she ripped the door off its hinges and bent the flimsy metal in half between her hands.
- “Eep,” I said.
- 2000, John Palisano, Journey Through Time http://books.google.com/books?ie=UTF-8&vid=ISBN0738826049&id=1LFb_NU01VgC&pg=PA98&lpg=PA98&dq=%22eep+*+said%22&sig=UC6HjuFNxoIPrw7f1drNJwIercc
- On the opposite side a bottle crashed. Shards twinkle screamed in a circle around her head. “Eep,” she said, breathed, and nearly screamed.
- 2002, Randy Peyser, Crappy to Happy http://books.google.com/books?ie=UTF-8&vid=ISBN1590030257&id=-cGTbRvPCJEC&pg=PA29&lpg=PA29&dq=%22+eeping%22&sig=ragYUChNWh5WdjH52ItIbJjYD3o
- She encouraged them to express their teeny-tiniest selves with an “eep.”
- 2002, Randy Peyser, Crappy to Happy http://books.google.com/books?ie=UTF-8&vid=ISBN1590030257&id=-cGTbRvPCJEC&pg=PA29&lpg=PA29&dq=%22+eeping%22&sig=ragYUChNWh5WdjH52ItIbJjYD3o
- Now there are fulfilled women happily “eeping” all over the Bay Area. I swear to you this is true.
- 2002, Chris Crutcher, “The Other Pin,” in Athletic Shorts http://books.google.com/books?ie=UTF-8&vid=ISBN0060507837&id=BhSYywd2SqMC&pg=PA75&lpg=PA75&dq=%22he+eeps%22&sig=Lp5m2rWEorvsRu5gjHTu4R1bfV4
- Petey’s voice rises to that preadolescent pitch it always hits when he feels his life spinning out of control. “Dues are what Boy Scouts pay,” he eeps.
- 2003, John Treadwell Nichols, The Voice of the Butterfly http://books.google.com/books?ie=UTF-8&vid=ISBN0811839907&id=OdDs928s-PwC&pg=PA160&lpg=PA160&dq=%22she+eeped%22&sig=mtJl10KCTmZxASjLdTwzUg_V3a0
- Before I could answer, a tiny green krait dropped out of Tristan’s nostril and slithered swiftly toward Susan’s sandaled feet: She eeped, dropped my arm, and fled for her life.