

(1)   To break off a military action with an enemy
(2)   The act of releasing from an attachment or connection


  1. Release or detachment from a physical situation or other involvement.
    • 1818, Sir Walter Scott, Rob Roy, ch. 10,
      My thanks to you for my speedy disengagement from the ridiculous accusation of Morris.
  2. The separation or release of a chemical.
    • 1836, Washington Irving, Astoria, ch. 26,
      Others have endeavored to account for these discharges of "mountain artillery" on humbler principles; attributing them . . . to the disengagement of hydrogen, produced by subterraneous beds of coal in a state of ignition.
  3. Leisure; relief from responsibilities or onerous activities.
  4. Withdrawal from combat, confrontation, or the assertion of influence.
  5. Termination of an agreement to be married.
  6. A circular movement of the blade that blocks an opponent's parry.
    • 1895, Francis Marion Crawford, Taquisara, ch. 23,
      There was a quick flash, a disengagement, a feint, a lunge that was like a man's, and as her long left arm shot out like lightning, her foil bent nearly double.
  7. The emergence of the fetus from the birth canal.