Dawn (Warriors)
(1) The earliest period
"The dawn of civilization"
"The morning of the world"
(2) The first light of day
"We got up before dawn"
"They talked until morning"
(3) An opening time period
"It was the dawn of the Roman Empire"
(4) Become light
"It started to dawn, and we had to get up"
(5) Appear or develop
"The age of computers had dawned"
Proper noun
- sometimes given to a girl born at that time of day.
- 1958 MurielSpark, The Go-away Bird: With Other Stories, Macmillan 1958, page 20 ( "The Black Madonna"):
- "Thomas, if it's a boy," she said, "after my uncle. But if it's a girl I'd like something fancy for a first name." - - -
- "What about Dawn?" she said. "I like the sound of Dawn. Then Mary for a second name. Dawn Mary Parker, it sounds sweet."
- "Dawn! That's not a Christian name," he said. Then he told her, "Just as you please, dear."
- 1964 Bob Gaudio - Sandy Linzer, Dawn ( a song ) :
- Dawn, go away, I’m no good for you.