Unknown; sometimes considered to be a contraction of the title Dark Lord of the Sith, or a blend of dark and death.
Within the Star Wars universe it has been explained as a renaming after the eponymous Sith Lord Darth Bane.
- A Sith Lord. Used attributively, as a title: Darth Vader; rarely used as a name on its own.
- 1977: Star Wars
- Vader: Your powers are weak, old man.
- Ben: You can't win, Darth. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
- 2002: Star Wars Episode II
- Obi-Wan: One more thing. Jango mentioned he was recruited by someone named Darth Tyranus. Any idea who that might be?
- Yoda: With the forename Darth, a Sith he must be.
- 2005: Star Wars Episode III
- Palpatine: Good. Good. The Force is strong with you. A powerful Sith you will become. Henceforth, you shall be known as Darth...Vader.
- 1977: Star Wars
- Also, by extension, for any frighteningly evil person, or one seen as directly responsible for distinctly negative events.
- 1999: David G Messerschmitt, Understanding Networked Applications http://print.google.com/print?hl=en&id=nEV9PLbs6McC&pg=PA400&lpg=PA400&sig=gr0e2pf5zwog__lIw6sXvdUa044
- Consider the threat of an evil hacker, Darth, who can not only eavesdrop on your network connection but also alter the messages that are sent. Decide whether Darth can successfully alter a confidential, encrypted message from Alice to Bob [...]
- 2000: Antonio Mendez, The Master of Disguise http://print.google.com/print?hl=en&id=8I845o35ynsC&pg=PA186&lpg=PA186&sig=p2PBczxLUxUKDRxf8ZeGTQQpl-A
- “We need to put three round-eyes into that building along with the local landlord...in broad goddamned daylight,” “Schraider” said, glaring malevolently across his desk at me in the manner that had earned him the nickname “Darth” among his elite cadre of audio penetration officers.
- 2005: John Illig, Pacific Dream http://print.google.com/print?hl=en&id=iwP9LQMHz5EC&pg=PA74&lpg=PA74&sig=muOqMVvFCG2bI0S-EBQSTyfTt4o
- The evil Darth Leonard steals the formula and a young couple must get it back (real life Ward Leonard is a legendary recluse who has hiked the Appalachian Trail something like 20–30 times).
- 1999: David G Messerschmitt, Understanding Networked Applications http://print.google.com/print?hl=en&id=nEV9PLbs6McC&pg=PA400&lpg=PA400&sig=gr0e2pf5zwog__lIw6sXvdUa044