Crucifixion (Corpus Hypercubus)
(1) The infliction of extremely painful punishment or suffering
(2) The act of executing by a method widespread in the ancient world; the victim's hands and feet are bound or nailed to a cross
(3) The death of Jesus on the cross
noun of process crucifixio, from perfect passive participle crucifixus, fixed to a cross, from prefix cruci-, cross, + verb ficere, fix or do, variant form of
facere, do or make
- An execution by being nailed or tied to an upright cross and left to hang there until dead.
- Rome used crucifixions as a deterrent, and standard for the 'vilest' crimes, such as slave rebellion
- (absolute use, often capitalized: The Crucifixion) The death on the cross of Christ.
- An ordeal, terrible, especially malicous treatment imposed upon someone
- The suspects' hostile interrogation amounted to a public crucifixion