Concatenation (disambiguation)


(1)   The act of linking together as in a series or chain
(2)   A series of things depending on each other as if linked together
"The chain of command"
"A complicated concatenation of circumstances"
(3)   The linking together of a consecutive series of symbols or events or ideas etc
"It was caused by an improbable concatenation of circumstances"
(4)   The state of being linked together as in a chain; union in a linked series


  1. A series of links united; a series or order of things depending on each other, as if linked together; a chain, a succession.
    • 1927, Albert Einstein, as quoted by H. G. Kessler in The Diary of a Cosmopolitan (1971)
      Try and penetrate with our limited means the secrets of nature and you will find that, behind all the discernible concatenations, there remains something subtle, intangible and inexplicable.