

(1)   Having skin rich in melanin pigments
"National Association for the Advancement of Colored People"
"The dark races"
"Dark-skinned peoples"
(2)   Having color or a certain color; sometimes used in combination
"Colored crepe paper"
"The film was in color"
"Amber-colored heads of grain"
(3)   (used of color) artificially produced; not natural
"A bleached blonde"
(4)   Favoring one person or side over another
"A biased account of the trial"
"A decision that was partial to the defendant"


(5)   A United States term for Blacks that is now considered offensive


  1. Having a particular color or kind of color.
    • The room was colored red, with a dark-colored rug.
  2. Having prominent colors; colorful.
    • The singer wore a colored shirt.
  3. Influenced pervasively but subtly.
    • My opinions are colored by my upbringing.
  4. Of skin color other than the white, particularly black.
    • Being of an older generation, they considered themselves "colored ladies"
  5. Of neither black nor white skin color.
    • Most of the colored community speaks Afrikaans, whereas languages like Xhosa or Venda are typically spoken by blacks and English mostly by whites.