Champaign (band)


(1)   A university town in east central Illinois adjoining Urbana
(2)   Extensive tract of level open land
"They emerged from the woods onto a vast open plain"
"He longed for the fields of his youth"


  1. Open countryside, or an area of open countryside.
    • 1485, Sir Thomas Malory, Le Morte Darthur, Book V:
      Then the Romaynes followed faste on horsebak and on foote over a fayre champeyne unto a fayre wood.
    • 1605, William Shakespeare, King Lear, I.i:
      Of all these bounds even from this line to this, / With shadowy forests and with champaigns riched, / With plenteous rivers and wide-skirted meads, / We make thee lady.


  1. Pertaining to open countryside; unforested, flat.
    • 1603, John Florio, translating Michel de Montaigne, Essays, Folio Society 2006, vol. 1 p. 206:
      They are seated alongst the sea-coast, encompassed toward the land with huge and steepie mountains, having betweene both, a hundred leagues or thereabouts of open and champaine ground.