Brilliant (film)
(1) Full of light; shining intensely
"A brilliant star"
"Brilliant chandeliers"
(2) Having striking color
"Bright dress"
"Brilliant tapestries"
"A bird with vivid plumage"
(3) Characterized by grandeur
"The brilliant court life at Versailles"
"A glorious work of art"
"Magnificent cathedrals"
"The splendid coronation ceremony"
(4) Having or marked by unusual and impressive intelligence
"Some men dislike brainy women"
"A brilliant mind"
"A brilliant solution to the problem"
(5) Clear and sharp and ringing
"The bright sound of the trumpet section"
"The brilliant sound of the trumpets"
(6) Of surpassing excellence
"A brilliant performance"
"A superb actor"