

(1)   Any of several brightly colored butterflies
(2)   The supreme commander of a fleet; ranks above a vice admiral and below a fleet admiral


From , from amir-ar-rahl (commander of the fleet), + . Later associated with admirable. Cognate to amir, emir.

First recorded in English September, 1300, to refer to Gerard Allard of , referred to as “Admiral of the Fleet of the ”.

c. 1205 (?).


  1. A naval officer of the highest rank; the commander of a country's naval forces.
  2. A naval officer of high rank, immediately below Admiral of the Fleet; the commander of a fleet or squadron.
  3. A flag officer in the United States Navy or Coast Guard of a grade superior to vice admiral and junior to admiral of the fleet (when that grade is used). An admiral is equal in grade or rank to a four star general.
  4. The ship which carries the admiral, the flagship; also, the most considerable ship of a fleet.
  5. A prince or Saracen leader under the Sultan.
  6. (zoological) Any of various nymphalid butterflies of Europe and America, especially a red admiral or white admiral.