(1) Being nine more than ninety
Cardinal number
- The cardinal number immediately following ninety-eight and preceding one hundred.
- Arabic numerals: 99
- Roman numerals: XCIX
- Chinese numerals: 玖拾玖, 九十九
- Eastern Arabic numerals:
- Persian numerals:
- Tibetan numerals: ༩༩
- Hindi numerals: ९९
- Gujarati numerals: ૯૯
- Gurmukhi numerals: ੯੯
- Bengali numerals: ৯৯
- Oriya numerals: ୯୯
- Telugu numerals: ౯౯
- Kannada numerals: ೯೯
- Malayalam numerals: ൯൯
- Tamil numerals: ௯௰௯
- Khmer numerals: ៩៩
- Thai numerals: ๙๙
- Lao numerals: ໙໙
- Myanmar numerals: ၉၉
- Amharic numerals: ፱፲፱
- Mongolian numerals: ᠙᠙
- Limbu numerals: ᥏᥏
- Traditional British ice cream. An ice-cream cone with a Cadbury's flake chocolate bar inserted, typically at a 60-degree angle. Usually made with soft, rather than scooped, ice cream. Also known as a 99 Flake.
- A wafer cone designed for ice cream manufactured by Askey’s.
- A simple card game with a running total, players dropping out if they would be forced to bring the total above ninety-nine.