Deadliest animals in the world ranked by estimated number of human fatalities per year
Top selling musicians of all time ranked by estimated number of albums sold
Best selling novels worldwide ranked by estimated number of copies sold
Fastest manned aircraft (excluding spacecraft) ranked by top speed
Major religions of the world ranked by estimated number of followers
The ten worst genocides of the 20th century listed by dictators responsible; ranked by number of deaths
The fastest land animals in the world ranked by maximum speed
Top Ten Lists
The fastest land animals in the world ranked by maximum speed
Highest mountains in the world ranked by elevation
Top selling musicians of all time ranked by estimated number of albums sold
Deadliest animals in the world ranked by estimated number of human fatalities per year
The ten worst genocides of the 20th century listed by dictators responsible; ranked by number of deaths
Fastest manned aircraft (excluding spacecraft) ranked by top speed
Best selling novels worldwide ranked by estimated number of copies sold
Countries of the world with the highest populations
The world's largest cities ranked by population
Largest bodies of the water in the world ranked by area
Largest companies in the world ranked by annual revenues
Tallest buildings in the world ranked by height to architectural top
Major religions of the world ranked by estimated number of followers
The world's wealthiest countries ranked by gross domestic product (nominal) per capita
Countries with the higest birth rate ranked by births per 1000 people
Countries with the highest life expectancy at birth ranked by life expectancy in years
Countries with the higest oil production ranked by barrels of oil produced per day
Countries with the highest oil consumption ranked by barrels of oil per day
Largest empires or all-time ranked by total landmass
Largest empires of all-time ranked by highest population (est)
Most watched television episodes of all-time ranked by percentage of households that viewed the program