Wubbzy's Big Movie
Wubbzy's Big Movie is a made-for-TV movie which premiered on Starz Kids & Family on Friday, August 29, 2008 distributed by Starz Animation
Starz Animation
Arc Productions, formerly known as Starz Animation Toronto, is a Canadian animation and visual effects studio based in Toronto, Ontario. It is majority owned by a Canadian investor group, with former owner Starz Media as a minority stakeholder...

 and Bolder Media
Bolder Media
Bolder Media is an American production company: a joint-venture between Frederator Studios and the Mixed Media Group, founded in 2002 by television producers Susan Miller and Fred Seibert for the development of books, television series, and movies for children....

 in association with Film Roman
Film Roman
Film Roman is an animation studio founded by Phil Roman, best known for producing the animation for The Simpsons, King of the Hill for 20th Century Fox, as well as the Garfield and Peanuts animated TV specials....

. It is the first Wubbzy project not to air on Nick Jr., as of Starz producing the series.


Wubbzy, Widget and Walden are going to get some doodleberry pie, but Wubbzy ends up tripping over a rock
Rock (geology)
In geology, rock or stone is a naturally occurring solid aggregate of minerals and/or mineraloids.The Earth's outer solid layer, the lithosphere, is made of rock. In general rocks are of three types, namely, igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic...

, smashes his head, down a hill and ends up getting knockity-noggin and being unable to remember who he is. Widget and Walden help Wubbzy recover his memory, but fail miserably. Previously aired episodes from the TV series are used for flashbacks when one of the characters recalls a moment to help Wubbzy remember. The episodes included: "Puddle Muddle", "The Tired Tail", "Pirate Treasure", "Come Spy With Me", "A Tale Of Tails", "Perfecto Party", and "Monster Madness". There are also references from "Wubbzy In The Woods" and "Escape From Dino Island". In continuity sense, the film takes place right after the events of "Puddle Muddle" and a week after the events of "The Tired Tail" as said by Dr. Flooey.

The film ends when Wubbzy still cannot remember anything, so Widget ejects him off the chair and then smashes his head on the hill, down the hill and lands on his bottom. When Widget asks Wubbzy if he is okay, Wubbzy replies back to Widget: "Yeah, I'm fine!...come on, let's go get that doodleberry pie!". Walden ask Wubbzy if he remembers doodleberry pie, then he replies: "Sure, I love doodleberry pie!" Then Widget asks Wubbzy if he remembers Widget and Walden, Wubbzy then replies: "Of course, you guys are the best friends ever, I never forget you!". Walden then says to Wubbzy that he is back to normal. Then, Widget and Walden begin following Wubbzy to get some doodleberry pie. All of a sudden, Wubbzy ends up mooing for the last time, then Wubbzy turns around and says to Widget and Walden: "Just kidding!". Wubbzy, Widget and Walden end up laughing, and ends the film.

See also

  • Wubb Idol - Wow! Wow! Wubbzys second television movie.
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