Wet Wet Wet: Live at the Royal Albert Hall (video)
For the audio release of the performance, see here
Wet Wet Wet: Live at the Royal Albert Hall
Live at the Royal Albert Hall is an in-concert album by Wet Wet Wet. It was recorded on , and released on . The album reached #10 in the charts.The Wets were assisted by the 100-piece Wren Orchestra....


Live at the Royal Albert Hall is a video feature released by Wet Wet Wet
Wet Wet Wet
Wet Wet Wet are a Scottish pop rock band that formed in the 1980s. They scored a number of hits in the British charts and around the world. The band is composed of Marti Pellow , Tommy Cunningham , Graeme Clark and Neil Mitchell...

 on 24 May 1993. It was recorded on November 3, 1992, at the Royal Albert Hall
Royal Albert Hall
The Royal Albert Hall is a concert hall situated on the northern edge of the South Kensington area, in the City of Westminster, London, England, best known for holding the annual summer Proms concerts since 1941....

 in London
London is the capital city of :England and the :United Kingdom, the largest metropolitan area in the United Kingdom, and the largest urban zone in the European Union by most measures. Located on the River Thames, London has been a major settlement for two millennia, its history going back to its...


The Wets were assisted by the 100-piece Wren Orchestra.

Running order

  1. "Angel Eyes"
  2. "This Time"
  3. "Brand New Sunrise"
  4. "Hold Back the River"
  5. "Blue for You"
  6. "Goodnight Girl"
  7. "How Long"
  8. "East of the River"
  9. "I Can Give You Everything"
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