Parochial church
The beautiful building can be found in the forest at the end of the village. Its murals of late Árpád-age was painted by Aquila János. It was destructed by fire in the late 1800 years. Earlier it was measured and described by Rómer Flóris, member of the Hungarian Academy of Science. The artist also painted Nagytótlak rotunda in this region.Sources
- Genthon István: Magyarország műemlékei. I. Dunántúl. Budapest, 1959. 444 p.
- Gerevich Tibor: Magyarország románkori emlékei. (Die romanische Denkmäler Ungarns.) Egyetemi nyomda. Budapest, 1938. 843 p.
- Dercsényi Dezsõ: Árpád-kori műemlékeink Vas megyében. (Vas County Heritage from the Árpád age). Vasi Szemle 1959. 2. sz., 57-67. p.
- Magyarország, Panoráma, Budapest, 1980.
- Aerial photographs of Velemér